Composer Petre Magdin, one step away from being murdered by thieves in his own home!


The dramatic event took place Thursday through Friday night at the composer’s home.

Ama Magdin posted a message on her social media page telling how it all happened.

The woman says her presence of mind alone meant that she and her husband were not killed and that the bastards were captured.

“Someone forced the door to enter the house …”

“Yes, it is true, it seems that many people in the press have already found out, the phones keep ringing!” Hard to say, but tonight Petre and I were on the verge of being killed! When I thought I would go to bed quietly, after finishing writing, after praying on the balcony, in the company of my cross on the hill …, I heard noise in the patio, I looked from the balcony, I didn’t see anything. I went to bed, with good thoughts, managed to fall asleep, about 30 minutes, then a puppy jumped on us on the bed and woke me up, the other two were barking downstairs. I am not brave, I am afraid of the dark and loneliness, but since Petre was sound asleep, I did not want to wake him, considering his condition, emotions are not allowed…! I turned on the light in the hallway, and I went downstairs with fear … someone, forcing the front door of the house …, I ran slowly to the bedroom, I picked up the phone, and I called a security company, trained people, who, I hired them, after the Petre stroke, 3 years ago and… because thieves visited me…! After a few minutes they arrived, but the thieves had already entered the house, I closed the bedroom door, I woke up Petre, it was abnormal to let him sleep, but, although I was terribly scared, I asked him not to. in a panic, I whispered to him that someone was trying to enter our house, I quickly calmed him down… I was shaking, I refrained from crying, because, I cry a little when you scare me… the important thing was that Petre is okay. The security came, they called me not to leave the bedroom until they called me! In short, there were three drunken thugs who wanted to steal something … what, you know … and when asked what their intention was … they said if we woke up they were going to kill us, and they were curious what it looks like. Petre Magdin’s wife! I never leave the yard, I take care of my business, a lot, too much for a man, but, it seems that we are vulnerable for thieves, for criminals, because Petre Magdin has a young wife, and he is a sensitive artist, not a fighter KO!
Luckily everything is fine, we are unharmed, and the puppies, well, our heroines …, I don’t know what I would do without them, they saw that I was scared, I only cried when they took them to the three where they should be, and my princesses, surrounded me To show me that I was not alone, they gave me all three medicines!
We do not keep money in the house, here, it is just a vacation home, where we want to live in peace and work on our quiet projects.
Thanks to everyone who worried you, we are trying to get back to normal… soul! “

On August 28 of this year, after the appearance of information on a social network, the agents of Section 3 of the Rural Police of Sutesti were notified ex officio, in preparation of a criminal file in which investigations are carried out under the aspect of the commission of the crime of attempted robbery. . The police carry out activities to identify the people involved ”, is shown in a statement from the IPJ Vâlcea.

Last minute: the Vâlcea police already have a circle of suspects. It is about 3 young people from the neighboring town. They didn’t steal anything, they tried to open the door and smashed her trunk. The research is at the beginning, reports the website Recipes and Celebrities.
