Companies that help people “evaporate.” “I’ve had enough. I took my suitcase and disappeared.”


Every year, many people decide disappear”. Simply abandons his life, his placel work, familiesa. And they don’t do it alone: ​​there are companies in Japan that help them.

There is even a name for those who choose to disappear: “jouhatsu,” which is Japanese for “evaporation,” reports the BBC.

I’m tired of dealing with people. I took my suitcase and disappeared ”, says Sugimoto, 42, a Japanese who decided and that the family hoped to take over the business. Because i didn’t want to do that suddenly he left the city for good and did not tell anyone where he was going.

It’s not the only one. From debts that I can no longer pay to failed marriages, reasonthey who decide to “evaporate” can vary. most of call but to companies that help them to take this step.

There are companies that offer services move Night ” and what helps those who want to discreetly disappear to get away from their lives. It even offers them secret places to take refuge.

Typically, you move for a positive reason: admission to college, a new job, or a marriage. But there are also sad movements, like dropping out of college, losing a job, or escape of an aggressor “says Sho Hatori, who founded a company move night ” in the 90’s when it blew up crisis economic in Japan. At first, thought that financial ruin will be the only one reason watch out to make them People run away from their lives, but soon discover that there are also “social reasons”.

Sociologist Hiroki Nakamori is investigating The phenomenon “jouhatsu for more than a decade. He says the term began to be used to describe people who decided to disappear in the 1960s. divorce are very small in Japan, so some people decided it was easier to leave partners instead of going through procedures Complicate divorce.

Nakamori says it is easy to disappear in Japan, a country where cconfidentiality is protected with great care: missing persons can remove ATM money without to bring this outand their relatives they have access to surveillance camera footage.

Poliția intervmenorthme Unless there is another reason, such as murder or accident. All the family can do is pay a private detective. OR to Lookit’s just that, “he says.

Under these conditions, the situation is much sadder for those left behind.

I was surprised, ”says a woman whose 22-year-old son has disappeared and has not contacted her since. “He quit twice. He probably felt terrible about the failure,” he says.

The woman says she went home, looked for him and waited in the car for days to see if he would show up. But this did not happen.

woman he says the police didn’t help and told him they could only get involved if there are suspicions of suicide. But the young man left no such message.

I understand that it exists stalkers and what information can be misused. Perhaps it is a necessary law. But treat the same way criminalsme and fathermeand who look for childrenme? What is this?. Fmoney, all I can do is check if a the corpse is or not my sonShe says.

However, it is not easy for those who evaporate.

I feel like I did something wrong. I haven’t seen my kids in a year. I told them I was away on business, “says Sugimoto. His only regret is leaving them, says the man.

Sugimoto is currently in a hidden house in a residential area of ​​Tokyo. The night moving company that is hosting her is run by a woman named Saita, who also calls out her last name only to remain anonymous. She herself was a jouhatsu, who disappeared 17 years ago. He “disappeared” after having a physically abusive relationship and says “in a way, I’m a missing person, even now.”

Sugimoto lives in a secret house in Tokyo. The “night shift” company that receives him is run by a woman named Saita (she only gave her last name). She herself was a “jouhatsu”, who disappeared 17 years ago due to an abusive relationship.

I have many types of clients. There are people fleeing serious domestic violence, but also for reasons of ego or personal interests. I am not judging anyone. I never say: your case is not serious enough. Everyone has their own problems, “he says.

Web Editor: Monica Bonea
