Companies could be forced to share their profits with employees. The more wages increased


Companies must share part of the profits with employees.

It is the proposal of some deputies, who affirm that such a measure would stimulate the labor market and make employees more productive. Neither the government nor the business community supports the idea, although in many European companies there are systems through which employees share in the benefits.

In the European Union, almost a third of companies with more than 10 employees choose to reward them with a part of the profits obtained. But only one country, France, forces entrepreneurs to share this money, and the model has inspired the initiators.

Adrian Dohotaru, initiator: “Entrepreneurs can retain their employees, they can work better if they can contribute to the profits of the company, and a small part of those profits goes to them.” It is a role to redistribute them, practically a kind of 13th salary at the end of the year that belongs to the employees ”.

The proposal presented to Parliament would provide a bonus to employees older than 12 months. They would share 7.5% of the company’s annual net profit.

For example, a company with only a few years of activity and ten employees, which achieved a profit of 80,000 euros, should contribute 7.5% to the employees. This means that 6,000 euros will be distributed to the 10 employees. At the end of the year, each of them would thus receive a bonus of 600 euros, that is, about 3,000 lei.

Victoria Stoiciu, coordinator of the Friedrich Erbert Stiftung program:“Of the added value, most of it belongs to employers each year, even if the workforce increases and the number of employees increases each year, and then you need that legislative intervention to limit things.”

However, the business environment was not consulted. The president of the National Council of SMEs assures that such a measure would affect medium and large companies that tend to reinvest the profit or small companies that borrow to increase their number of employees, precisely to increase the productivity of the company.

Florin Jianu, CNIPMMR: “That obligation is a flagrant unconstitutional aspect. You cannot force someone for your own benefit, it is an attack on property. The profit is the property of whoever obtains it.”

The bill was also signed by four PSD deputies and will most likely be discussed after the elections. The government told Pro TV News that it does not support the legislative initiative, because it has no legal or economic support.
