community health centers and home care for the elderly


Alexandru Rafila, PSD candidate in the parliamentary elections, presented the party’s program for the field of Health on Tuesday. Among the projects promoted by the Social Democrats are the establishment of a national network of community medical centers, but also home care for the elderly.

“In this program we set out to build a national network of community medical centers. I want to say that in Romanian communes with a population of more than 5,000 inhabitants and probably some of those with between 4 and 5,000 inhabitants we can set up such a national network of community centers. We estimate the need, in a first phase, in the first electoral cycle, by 2024, 800 such centers. An average cost of establishing such a center – probably around 500,000 euros, and the number of beneficiaries, given that between 3 and 4 family doctors could work in a center, would be around 6 million, and this step, if it is carried out, will be key. reconstruction of the entire health system, because we connect it to the network of specialized ambulatory care centers, that is, the person in a relatively small area has access to primary care services and not only to social and community care and, We are also doing everything possible for dental care, ”said Alexandru Rafila at a press conference at PSD headquarters, according to Agerpres.

He added that it is important for family doctors to be determined to work in these centers, as they are often “used as a maneuvering table” and are sometimes assigned “impossible tasks.”

Another chapter Rafila spoke about was related to the care of the elderly and home care.

“In rural areas, but also in cities, many people live alone. In rural areas there are 1.7 million people over 70 who are single, they have no one, they live alone. Who helps these people in a pandemic situation? Who helps them get their medicines, the small medical interventions they need? The development of this home care system is essential for these people. There are a similar number in urban areas. In rural areas the community usually knows them, but there are people in the cities who are alone in study blocks, nobody knows them. That must be the message that we really need to give, we need to rebuild the community spirit, have healthy, educated and safe communities. We must all return to to be part of the community, to be aware of belonging to the community, and to maintain the health of the community is to maintain the health of each of the members of that community ”, added Rafi the.
