Commune in which the incidence is close to 12 per thousand. Why don’t the authorities want to quarantine her?


The commune of Carastelec registered an incidence of 11.42 per thousand on Friday, October 23, after this indicator was 12.37 the previous day. Despite the enormous value, the Sălaj County Committee for Emergency Situations does not want the commune to be quarantined.

Asked why the authorities have not yet made such a decision, given that compared to last week the contagion rate has doubled, Prefect Virgil Turcaş explained that the decisions of the CJSU are based on the proposals of the Directorate of Public Health, institution to which it is the responsibility of evaluating all localities in the red scenario.

In turn, the director of DSP Sălaj, Ligia Marincaş, says that this evaluation is based on a multitude of indicators, not just incidence. “It is very important how the increase in incidence started there, how the number of cases and conditions evolve in the community,” says Marincaş. He explained how this contagion rate was reached: “The commune has almost 1,100 inhabitants, so it is a small community, that is why the 12 active cases have such a high incidence. In the last two weeks there has been a family outbreak with six cases, so in a house where there are adults, children, the elderly, of three generations, we automatically have six cases, the other cases are in some homes around this outbreak, no I think we need to close an entire community for three or four houses where we have confirmed cases. In addition, a correct anamnesis and epidemiological investigation were carried out, we quarantined the contacts of these people, in order to limit the increase in incidence ”.

Eight ATUs on the red stage

The DSP Sălaj official is convinced that the incidence will drop suddenly next week, once all six family members leave the 14-day surveillance period. “We have had such phenomena in the communes before Sober, Bălan or Năpradea and after the appropriate restrictive measures were taken, which helped us keep people in the houses, the outbreaks slowly died out and there was no need to affect the entire community.

In Sălaj, the infection rate during the last 14 days reached 2.78, which places the county in fifth place in the national ranking, after Alba, Bucharest, Cluj and Harghita. In 21 communes (Crişeni, Agrij, Bănişor, Bocşa, Crasna, Surduc, Coşeiu, Sânmihaiu Almaşului, Halmăşd, Măerişte, Bobota, Mirşid, Gâlgău, Pericei, Lozna, Sărmădor yimŞihe in the cities of Silvan ădorihe, Silvan iiihe, Someşievan ile and Silvan ileihe cities the incidence is between 1.51 and 2.94 per thousand inhabitants. Eight territorial administrative units are in the red scenario: Carastelec – 11.42, Zalău – 4.96, Nuşfalău – 4.82, Sălăţig – 4.57, Hereclean – 4.54, Jibou – 3.97, Treznea – 3.57 and Meseşenii de Jos – 3.04.

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