“Collado was there when the boys from the gallery arrived”


  • CONTEXT: A group of Dinamo fans, nervous about the disastrous economic situation that the club is going through, went to the base of the Săftica team, where they blamed all the problems on sports director Rufo Collado;
  • The information was initially revealed by Fanatik and later confirmed by GSP sources. In fact, the sporting director offered a reaction on this topic for GSP readers: details, HERE.

“There were some guys from DDB in Săftica, really, but they were not nervous. They went to tell the players that the first for the victory with Viitorul will enter on Wednesday, because until then the banks are closed. Mr. Collado was there. They just told him that Otopeni is nearby and maybe we can pick up a ticket for him too.

I understood that he did not respond and that he wants to continue at Dinamo. Anyway, Collado knew Cortacero, so he wouldn’t be the victim. No one from DDB has ever threatened, I have not instigated violence. If people understood that, it is their problem ”, declared Conovaru in the program“ Liga Digi Sport ”.

DYNAMO. PCH insults Spaniards: “Slaves in the Șocarici pool”

Also today, Peluza Cătălin-Hîldan issued a statement on Facebook attacking the club’s Spanish leaders. The fans-shareholders demand the resignation of the sports director, Rufo Collado, and his Leo Fuentes, Goalkeeping coach.


Winter is coming, those great snows are coming. You may not want to shovel.

Are we raising money to give you the ticket? Or do you manage on your own?

Here’s the map so you don’t get lost on the way to Otopeni.

And maybe you’ll take the other bald man too Leo Font, The Porter.

Fuente was a classmate of Pablo. All three of the same gang from somewhere in the country, in the Granada area. (we have their addresses)

He was not a goalkeeper in his life. He does not have a diploma to sit on the bench of a soccer team. He enters the field of play just to warm up, but the goalkeepers warm each other up, because Fuente doesn’t even know how to shoot the ball.

When he first came to Săftica, he was shooting at the door like a pole, with his hand. It immediately became the subject of gossip. The first to pay for this was Straton.

The boy is small and stocky. In the image on the right is the one you don’t have. 5. Watch him climb to the top to appear taller.

Number 1 and 4 are the other two accomplices of the organized criminal group.

In the image you can see what his level was before arriving at Dinamo. Slaves in Șocarici’s pool (# 2).

From their position in the table, the hierarchical level is understood. The three were eating a loaf of Șocarici’s mercy bread.

The great investor, Pablo Cortacero, is in his place. This is the right equipment when you have to scrub.

WATCH OUT! I warned about the level of these charlatans 3 months before Paul’s landing in Bucharest. Our statements remain public.

We say this for those who say that “we have all been deceived.” It’s not like that. We argue with everyone and we risk being criticized even by some of the fans, because we try to reject these bastards. Then we would have needed more trust and support. It’s not too late now
PCH press release

If Pablo Cortacero contributes 1 million and a half euros to the club, then we will be right. But we are not dressed backwards, this will not happen. Bankruptcy is floating around our country, but I don’t think we’ll end up in this situation. We will not let this club die. We will fight to the extreme white and we ask all Dinamo players not only to bark on Facebook, but also to bite, that is, to join the DDB project to support the team.
Alexandru Conovaru, member of DDB

They told me to take the first plane and leave. What’s my fault? I’m just a sports director, not an investor. I am very proud of the team that I built as a foundation for the future. I will not resign! I worked to build a great present and hopefully future for this team, I have great plans, but I am not responsible for the money delay. Pablo Cortacero also knows the situation. I will stay to fight for Dinamo. I am with the players and I feel empathy on their part. And I wholeheartedly hope they get paid on Wednesday!
Rufo Collado, sportiv Dinamo director

VIDEO Radu Birlică: “I spoke with Pablo Cortacero, next week the money will reach Dinamo”

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