Cola in Cantacuzino. Dozens of people hope to buy the new supplement produced by the Institute


Queue of dozens of people in front of the Cantacuzino Institute. People went to buy the latest product released by the research center, a supplement with antioxidant and immune-boosting properties, recommended during periods of respiratory infections.

Since dawn, people have sat in front of the Cantacuzino Institute in the capital, wanting to buy the antioxidant recently produced by doctors and recommended to be administered in periods of respiratory infections.

Some have sat for three hours and heard that only 39 people have managed to buy the supplement. For about 20 minutes, the stock of antioxidants produced by the Cantacunizo Institute would have been depleted.

What is Orostim-HV, the food supplement sold at the Cantacuzino Institute

The immunomodulator for which people gathered in the Capital is called Orostim-HV and was announced on the market this Monday as a product with antioxidant and immune-stimulating properties.

Orostim-HV is a dietary supplement that contains a combination of an atomized lysate consisting of 15 bacterial strains and a green barley extract powder.

It has antioxidant and immune-stimulating properties, which increase the body’s resistance to infection.

“The product is administered during periods of risk of respiratory infections to people who work in communities with high susceptibility to diseases, children with repeated respiratory infections and the elderly in states with low immunity. In the next period, the development of the product will continue, and next year the Cantacuzino Institute will transfer technology to another manufacturing area for mass production of the product, ”the Ministry of National Defense said earlier this week, when it was announced in the market. .

The product will be available for purchase from December 2 only at the Cantacuzino Institute point of sale.

Editing: Alexandra Andronie
