Code Red! The discovery made at the Bucharest Polytechnic turns everything upside down. What causes the spread of the coronavirus?


The conclusions of the investigation were presented by the Appreciate Quality Association, which considers that this study highlights the need to involve the competent authorities (National Veterinary Health and Food Safety Authority and National Consumer Protection Authority) to guarantee consumer protection through the introduction of packaging for bakery products. I help them.

“Currently, Romania is the only country in the European Union that still accepts the sale of this type of products on the shelf. Consumers touch the surface of the bread with their hands and then touch their face, nose, nose, the eyes, etc., so there is a risk of disease. Bread is a staple food, consumed mainly by vulnerable categories (elderly), and sold unpackaged, it has the potential to be infected with multiple pathogens, not just the SARS virus- CoV-2 (COVID 19) “, is shown in a press release signed by Adela Nuță, president of the Association.

According to the study carried out by a team led by Professor Dr. Ing. Ioan Ștefan Sacală, from the Bucharest Polytechnic, 500 people are infected every day with the new coronavirus, in Romania, as a result of the handling of bakery products unpackaged. The research is aimed especially at those who buy unpackaged bread.

Researchers’ conclusions

The team of researchers from Politehnica Bucharest analyzed how the virus can be transmitted through the interaction of a group of subjects with a food product in a store. The researchers chose unpackaged bread.

“The simulations carried out showed that, assuming a virus transmission rate of 1% (close to the real values), the number of new cases of infection for a population with a statistical infection rate of 3 to 10,000 would be of the order of 500 daily new boxes for a national sales volume of 4 million loaves per day. It is important to note that the aforementioned results are obtained through the creation of a computer application of the machine learning type, in which the parameters of the agreement model have been modified to certain scenarios and hypotheses. The results obtained were not validated by physical and statistical measures, “the researchers showed.

The Bucharest Polytechnic study follows the findings of other research, dating back to September, which showed that the virus can remain active even for hours in unwrapped products.
