CNN: The real reason Donald Trump walked out of the 60-minute interview on CBS News – International


On Tuesday, President Donald Trump abruptly ended an interview with Lesley Stahl of “60 Minutes” (CBS News) and refused to return for a second interview with Vice President Mike Pence.

Why? Kaitlan Collins and Khalil Abdallah, from

CNN explains: “Trump left the interview because he was frustrated with Stahl’s question, a source said. Another person said he left because most of the interview focused on the coronavirus.”

Which makes perfect sense given what we know about the president, says CNN analyst Chris Cillizza.

Trump is a president who, throughout his life, has lived in a bubble created by himself. It maintains a very close intimate circle, which populates, first of all, with relatives and “yesmani” men and women. Anyone who deviates from his favorite story, which is always “You’re great, Mr. President,” is kicked out of his inner circle or fired.

That’s why Ivanka Trump smiled when she said Monday that her father “really wants to hear opinions from people who disagree with him.”

This bubble usually extends to the interviews with the media that the president decides to give. On Tuesday morning, Trump called up “Fox & Friends,” the conservative cable network’s morning show that actually functions as a cheer squad for the president and all of his policies.

On Wednesday night, he will appear on a one-hour show hosted by Eric Bolling of Sinclair Broadcast Group, another conservative television station.

According to CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller, Trump has given Fox News 10 times as many interviews since he took office. Here’s Knoller’s number:

Fox News (all platforms): 115
Wall Street Journal: 10
Washington Post: 8
Reuters: 8
New York Times: 8
ABC: 7
CBS: 7 (including Tuesday’s “60 Minutes” interview)
Associated Press: 2
CNN: 0

As the 2020 election approaches, and poll after poll suggests Trump is clearly ahead of former Vice President Joe Biden, the president has increasingly retreated to the comfortable confines of the conservative media world, where he is still being. describes how a winner is fighting for America, and Democrats and the media are deeply corrupt forces hiding various illegal activities, Cilizza tells CNN.

But occasionally Trump is forced out of that bubble in hopes of reaching voters outside of his staunch base. And then the problem arises. Because journalists outside of Trump’s assertion bubble are asking real and tough questions. Questions about the mishandling of the coronavirus. Questions about your problem to tell the truth. Questions about your questionable Twitter habits.

Last week, Trump entered the Savannah Guthrie dialogue on NBC. And unsurprisingly, Trump did not do well. Especially since Guthrie refused to let her say only things that weren’t true. Trump has returned to generating news, not the correct ones, with his refusal to deny QAnon, an internet conspiracy theory that the FBI has labeled a potential national terrorist threat.

Trump, hurt, responded as he always does: with personal attacks.

Trump, being Trump, posted on Twitter a video clip in which Stahl was not wearing a mask, as evidence of the alleged hypocrisy in the media. A person familiar with the situation told CNN that the video posted by Trump came immediately after Trump’s interview.

As Collins and Abdallah commented, “Stahl had not yet returned to collect his personal belongings to put the mask back on. He had been wearing a mask since entering the White House and just before the interview began.”

Trump also threatened via Twitter that “I am thinking of publishing my 60-minute interview with Lesley Stahl” to present the reality.

What could I do! But the interview will almost certainly show no bias. Rather, it will show that Stahl is asking tough (and right!) Questions about how Trump treated Covid-19, which sickened more than 8 million Americans and killed more than 221,000.

Since Trump is rarely forced out of his fantasy bubble, he cannot bear to be asked real questions by real journalists. So he took his ball and went home. (CNN)
