Cluj Day | Another death in Cluj. A 77 year old woman


Authorities announced another death of a Cluj patient. This is a 77 year old woman.

She was hospitalized on April 7 at the Cluj Municipal Hospital and transferred the same day to the ATI Section of the Cluj County Emergency Clinical Hospital. He was tested for COVID-19 infection, and the test confirmed the infection on April 8.

The woman had pre-existing medical conditions: obesity, diabetes. HTA. AV block, ischemic heart disease, NYHA class III chronic heart failure. The death occurred on April 27.

It is the second death announced today by the authorities in Cluj. The first case is that of a 70-year-old doctor from Brad, transferred on April 8 to a hospital in Cluj-Napoca. He is the third doctor to die infected with the new coronavirus, after the death of a Botoşani doctor, detected with COVID-19, was announced on Monday, and a doctor from Constanţa died last week.

According to information from the Strategic Communication Group, the total death toll in Romania has so far reached 663.
