Clotilde Armand, plans for Sector 1; audit at City Hall, Promenada Verde, parking lots, schools


The elected mayor of Sector 1, Clotilde Armand, declared on Digi24 on Sunday night that she wants to start an audit at the Sector 1 City Hall, because a budget of 2 billion lei was voted on earlier this year and two weeks ago the City Council voted to make another loan of 200 million lei. Where did the money go? asks Clotilde Armand, who accuses that no investments have been made.

In addition, it showed that the number of employees in the City Council has doubled in four years, reaching over 3,000 and therefore announces a reorganization of the scheme and evaluations by skills. “Stop corruption, stop clientelism, stop batteries, stop politics” is the slogan under which the elected mayor of Sector 1 wants to act.

Audit at City Hall

“I want to be everyone’s mayor. We will reorganize the Primary. The positions, which will be opened, will be assigned with transparent criteria, everyone will be able to apply based on skills, depending on the experience they are given. Contracts – the same. First we will do an audit We will see where all our money went, the money from Sector 1. As you know, it is the richest city council, with more resources. At the beginning of this year, a budget of 2 billion lei was voted and two weeks ago the City Council voted to make a loan of 200 million lei. And no investment has been made. Where did our money go? “said Clotilde Armand, Sunday night, on Digi24.

“At the beginning of the year we voted for a very good investment budget and with the passage of time the money goes to expenses, they are taken from investments and they are used for expenses: thoughts, fences, shouting,” he explained.

Who stays and who leaves City Hall

“We will say stop corruption, stop patronage, stop batteries. We will explain very well what this means, we will have many trainings, we will do personal development, we will develop people’s skills. But we will be inflexible. I said it all, who did not understand this outside the team. With these audits that we will do on the financial side, we will also see who contributed to this financial disaster that we will meet in the City Hall. When it comes to employees, we will need people to rebuild. The rules have not been clear so far. Now we will say “These are the new rules and now you have to learn them and act according to these new rules. Whoever understands them, well, will be a professional. Whoever doesn’t understand will be fired,” said Clotilde Armand.

“We want to go to the people. Stop the politics. The politics was during the campaign. Now we will act on behalf of citizens and local employees and councilors will need to understand this. We have identified the problems, but now we will have to identify solutions for the citizens. There are two things: the value of these employees and their skills, their performance. We will see these two criteria over time, it will take us time to get to know each other. It doesn’t take months to clean a sidewalk or remove potholes from a sidewalk. These little problems they must be resolved in a reasonable time. And here we will see: who is with us, who is with the citizens and who is not, “explained the mayor-elect of Sector 1.

“I am a mayor who wants to encourage investments and competent private companies”

When asked what he would start with in terms of investments, Armand replied: “I will start with many things at the same time. There are many problems. Each neighborhood has its small problems and its big problems. You know, we are talking about the Constanza Bridge, and the PUZs, there are many aspects and we will have to go fast. The good news is that the investments are already voted, as I told you. We will have to launch the specifications, launch the tenders. I am a mayor who wants to encourage investments and competent and competitive private companies to participate with us to rebuild this sector, ”said Clotilde Armand.

He gave as an example of voted investments, but not executed schools. “The schools in Sector 1, most of them, do not have the approval of the ISU. There are some buildings that have not been seismically rehabilitated. I can tell you a school, where my children were, where the central staircase, in case of earthquake, collapses. We urgently need to make this investment, which has already been voted, the feasibility study has already been done, but nothing happened. Almost 90% of the schools do not have the approval of the ISU. Our children are not insurance at school in the richest sector of the Capital! We can afford that. In 4 years, the former mayor had more than a billion euros at his disposal. What did he do with the money? “, stressed Clotilde Armand.

She says some purchases were made at her discretion, and besides, they weren’t even helpful. She gave the example of the 1,250 screams (medical equipment – no.), Bought at an exorbitant price, which now lie in a room, unused.

New car parks in one year

The problems are not at the level of ideas, the problems are at the level of realization, said Armand, who also gave the example of four underground parking lots, built but not used in Sector 1.

“We will have to open them, but also build other underground car parks, as has been done in all European capitals,” said the mayor-elect, noting that there are already studies that have identified 17 to 19 locations for such parking.

The opening of the parking lots already built would take two or three months and one year would be the time horizon indicated by Clotilde Armand for the construction of the new parking lots.

The Green Walk, a revolution

Another infrastructure project is the Promenada Verde, a car-free zone that crosses the sector from north to south. And it could be fixed in a year, says Clotilde Armand.

“It is the project of my soul. The first thing we have to do is the cadastre, the cadastre of the public domain, which is not done in Sector 1. When we do it, we will see where there is public domain, how far it extends and not It is built and is close to the lakes. There will be parks, sports facilities. The 44 km Green Walk will be for cyclists and people who want a recreational space. It will be an oxygen bubble that will cross the entire Sector 1 and will allow us to unblock those who even now they had no access to the green spaces or the lake. It will allow those who live nearby to reach the Paseo Verde through the adjacent streets. From Promenada Verde you can reach the Straulești or Charles de Gaulle metro by bicycle. It will be a revolution. It’s called sustainable transport This will take a year, because it is only a Paseo Verde that needs to be fixed. The Cadastre and the Paseo Verde, “promised Clotilde Armand.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
