Citizens who will register for the vaccine in stage 3 do not need an electronic signature


Romanians who will enter the third stage of anti-COVID vaccination, that is, citizens who are not in risk groups, will be able to register on the electronic programming platform without being conditioned by having an electronic signature, says the Special Telecommunications Service (STS).

Registration on the computer platform through the application of the qualified digital certificate is mandatory only for beneficiaries of vaccination in stages 1 and 2, who are legal entities and are centrally scheduled by officials designated at the level of each eligible institution, it says STS in a statement issued Tuesday night.

The application of the electronic signature certifies that the documents uploaded to the system belong to a public or private institution, which is part of the population category that can benefit from vaccination, explains STS.

At this time, programming and effective vaccination are only available for stage 1 (people included in the category of social and health workers – public and private system).

For stage 3 (general population), the records no They’re available In this point.

However, citizens can create an account on the platform, but the effective scheduling option will be active later, after the first two stages of vaccination.

For the general population, both the registration on the platform and the actual vaccination are free.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
