Ciolacu, attack on the government of Cîțu: the new power has already given five huge peaks to the Romanians – Politics


The president of PSD, Marcel Ciolacu, criticized this Monday, on his socialization page, the Government of Cîțu, which he accuses of impoverishing 5.5 million employees and humiliating more than 215,000 teachers. At the same time, the leader of the PSD affirms that the Executive has condemned Romanian SMEs and businessmen and that it has “trampled” the Justice.

“In the first week of government, the new power has already given five huge peaks to the Romanians! After the elections, everything promised turned into aggression! The Right-wing Government is making fun of 5 million retirees. Last year, PNL gave pensioners a raise of only 14% before the elections and promised to increase their pensions by up to 40% in 2021. The reality of Cîțu is that pensions will not increase until September, with a tiny percentage , which does not cover price increases for food, medicine and public services. They lied to you, they cheated on you, ”wrote Marcel Ciolacu on Facebook on Monday.

It affirms that the Government of the Law impoverishes 5.5 million employees and humiliates more than 215,000 teachers.

“Income for public sector workers is freezing this year. In the private sector, not to mention the promise of RSU ! There will be taxes and the minimum wage will increase by only 2 lei a day, an amount that does not even cover masks. More than 1.4 million employees are returned to extreme poverty, left to starve. They lied to you, they cheated on you! In the last year you have been constantly told that the salary of teachers will be increased, that the law will be respected and that the money is in the budget. In August the lie was discovered: education was no longer a priority, raises were postponed. Today I come and tell you that even in 2021 the salaries of teachers will not go up. They lied to you, they cheated on you ”, adds the Social Democrat.

At the same time, Marcel Ciolacu accuses the Executive of condemning Romanian SMEs and businessmen and of “trampling” Justice.

“They abolished Start-Up Nation, a successful program for thousands of local businesses. In addition, for 6 months, the Government has promised investment aid of between 50,000 and 200,000 euros of European funds for SMEs in the food, bakery, automotive, energy and construction. So far no lion has reached the accounts of any small and medium business! They lied to you, they deceived you! They held a referendum simultaneously with the presidential elections of 2019 so that the laws of justice could no longer be changed by the GEO. Now, just before New Years Eve, they have issued a GEO modifying the laws of justice! A real theft of votes from those who promised the exact opposite! They lied to you, they cheated you! Government of the Goats that lie, steal and cut income cannot get Romania out of the crisis! PNL and USR + promised prosperity, but they only offer austerity to Romanians ”, concludes the president of PSD .
