Christmas message from Pope Francis. What the Sovereign Pontiff said about the coronavirus pandemic and the “walls of nationalism”


Pope Francis conveyed the traditional Christmas message to Catholic believers and not just around the world. The sovereign pontiff called for solidarity among the peoples of the world to overcome the coronavirus pandemic. He spoke of the “need for brotherhood” among all the countries of the world, urging them to share the vaccines against the coronavirus among themselves, because “the walls of nationalism” are not a solution to stop a pandemic without borders.

Following the restrictions currently adopted in Italy, Pope Francis delivered his traditional message “Urbi et Orbi” in an online address, which was transmitted from inside the Apostolic Palace of the Vatican and not from the outdoor balcony of Saint Basil. Peter, as usual, in front of a crowd of tens of thousands of believers, Agerpres reports.

The coronavirus pandemic and its social and economic effects dominated his message on Friday, in which the sovereign pontiff called for global unity and help from countries affected by military conflicts and humanitarian crises.

“In this historic moment, marked by the ecological crisis and the serious economic and social imbalances aggravated by the coronavirus pandemic, we need fraternity more than ever,” said Pope Francis.

This call for solidarity applies “especially to the most vulnerable, the sick, and all those who, during this period, have lost their jobs or are in precarious situations due to the economic consequences of the pandemic, as well as women.” , who during these months of isolation suffered domestic violence ”.

The ideal of a global fraternity in the face of socioeconomic inequalities, often in opposition to “neoliberal dogma,” is one of the main themes promoted by the Vatican leader in his almost eight-year pontificate. The same ideal was particularly present in his speeches after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, being highlighted by the publication in October of a lengthy argument on the matter, in the encyclical “Fratelli tutti.”

On Friday, saying that health is an international problem, the Vatican leader criticized so-called “vaccine nationalism,” which he fears that UN officials could worsen the coronavirus pandemic if poor countries are the last to do so. receive COVID-19 vaccines.

May the Son of God renew in politicians and government leaders that spirit of international cooperation, starting with medical care, to ensure that all people have access to vaccines and treatment. Faced with a challenge without borders, we cannot build walls. We are all in the same boat, “Pope Francis said. Pope Francis referred in his speech Friday to difficult family reunions, taking the opportunity to underscore their importance.

“My thinking now is with the families: those who cannot reunite today, but also those who are forced to stay in their homes. May this Christmas become for everyone an opportunity to rediscover the family as the cradle of life and faith; a place of welcoming love, dialogue, forgiveness, fraternal solidarity and shared joy, a source of peace for all humanity “, added the sovereign pontiff, who concluded his speech on Friday with the traditional wish” Merry Christmas! “.

Editor: Adrian Dumitru
