Chirieac shows the consequences of a war between the United States and China for Romania: At first, we will be alone!


Here is the editorial written by Bogdan Chirieac:

Romania: at war with China?

Do you think the nonsense of the Orban government or the ECHR decision in the Kovesi case or the pseudo-relaxation after May 15 are crucial issues for the Romanian public? If so, you will soon have to reconsider your attitude, because a great danger has appeared on the horizon.

Many of us believe that the plague that has happened to us is the worst that could happen in the western world. Millions of infected, hundreds of thousands of deaths so far alone, collapsed savings, long lines of people, from the United States to Eastern Europe, in front of soup kitchens.

In today’s Romania, where we forget to really look at international life, Mihai Gâdea, in Sinteza Zilei, made a foreign policy program that will go down in history. In a selection of documents, largely ignored by the Romanian public, but also in an interview given by Fox News by Doland Trump, Mihai Gâdea showed the public in our country, stuffed with Easter lamb and the children of May 1, the real danger lurking during or after the pandemic: A WAR WAR BETWEEN AMERICA AND CHINA.

China, an economic colossus, has begun to arm itself

For the great strategists of the planet, 10 years ago this would have been inconceivable. After World War II, the Cold War between the United States and the USSR occupied most of the political and economic resources of the two superpowers. After the collapse of the USSR in the early 1990s, the West did not know what to do with Eastern Europe, liberated from the communist camp. For a decade, things cleared up, but since 2000 Vladimir Putin has re-established Russia as a superpower, replacing the former USSR. Meanwhile, China abstained from the Security Council, where it is a permanent member, did not participate in the wars in the Middle East, and used all its energy for development. In 2019, Russia had Italy’s GDP, while China was close to the United States’ global GDP.

For the past 30 years, as the West has grown by ups and downs, while Russia has remained a great military power, but economically as modest as the former USSR, China has had a tremendous annual growth rate, and the results were not long to arrive.

After becoming an economic colossus comparable to the United States, China began to arm itself. It is not about the nuclear missiles that China has had for over half a century. These are not Chinese space stations or satellites that orbit Earth. These are the fifth and latest generation invisible aircraft carriers and fighter jets.

The United States has 13 aircraft carriers and almost 15,000 fighter jets, in addition to nuclear submarines, giving them absolute command of the seas and air. 10 years ago, China had no aircraft carrier. They started by buying one, unfinished, from Ukraine. Now China has launched a program to build … 40 aircraft carriers in the next 10 years. The last aircraft carrier built by the USA USA It was manufactured in a decade and cost more than $ 10 billion.

Five Eyes accuses China of COVID crisis

President Donald Trump and President Xi Jinping seemed to get along. In fact, during the visit to the United States, Mr. Trump invited his guest to his private residence in Mar-a-Lago, Florida. Donald Trump imposed customs duties on Chinese products and there were several trade talks. It doesn’t matter, as long as China has $ 3 trillion in US Treasury bills. In the USA, much of the American manufacturing is done in China. In fact, a few months ago, a new trade agreement was signed between the United States and China. In terms of money, people had started to get along very well. For more than a decade, Western governments have said nothing about respecting human rights in China.

Everything collapsed with the appearance of Covid-19. Therefore, the English-language intelligence alliance called Five Eyes shows in an incendiary document that Beijing knew about the consequences of the coronavirus and did not inform the international community. Five Eyes is the world’s strongest intelligence community, bringing together specialized services from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. In short, London and the colonies. The language of communication being native English for all

Chinese secret services recommend preparing for war

On the other hand, Reuters cites an internal document from the Chinese Secret Service saying that “global anti-Chinese sentiment is at a level not seen since the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown and recommends preparing for the worst possible event.” : an armed conflict with the United States. “

At the same time, more and more accusations are made in the United States against the Beijing government. Even without evidence, there are many rumors that the virus is artificial and has been removed from laboratories in Wuhan.

And in Western Europe, China demands more and more explanations and there have been countless claims. In his Fox News interview, President Trump used a rather tense tone towards China.

Anything the strategic partner does also concerns Romania

Does a military confrontation between the United States and China look like a movie script, not necessarily an A series? Well, whatever the United States does internationally, when it comes to wars, Romania is seen, too. Our country is the strategic partner of the United States. Just as we have been and are allied with the United States in Afghanistan and Iraq, we will also be in a possible conflict between the United States and Asia, and this will have direct consequences for us.

In the 3 years and 3 months of his presidential term, Donald Trump also faced, although there were not many to prove it, with tense international situations. When North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un threatened the world with nuclear weapons, Donald Trump did the impossible and met with him, alleviating the situation. When American planes were within an hour of attacking Iran, Donald Trump rejected them because he did not accept collateral victims. Trump will probably find resources now to avoid a hot war. Instead, a new Cold War could break out, this time between the United States and China, in which the European Union may or may not participate. For now, China is a major buyer of German and French products. Without China, the European Union would go into recession, even if the pandemic never existed.

Wars, through intermediaries.

There is a greater possibility of imposing economic sanctions against China, they will be added to those against Russia, which have already existed since the annexation of Crimea. Given the population and the gross domestic product, it would be as if half the planet were in economic sanctions with the other half. Wars would take place in black Africa, where China bought everything that could be bought in terms of mineral resources. Things would not be invisible. During communism, wars between the United States and the USSR were fought in Africa and Asia. Never directly, but only through and in the territories of other states. The same can happen now: cold war with China, hot war in the Middle East and Africa.

Again, do you think Romania would not be affected? Under such conditions, the economic recovery of the West will take a long time, and the poorest countries, like ours, will be the most affected. You probably think that if the West moves its factories from China, countries with lower labor costs, like Romania, could benefit. Perhaps this would be the case, if Romania did not weaken after the Romanian-Romanian war and if the country’s current leaders could reach a minimal consensus.

Most Romanians today are aware that worse than the plague is the economic crisis that will hit us. Well, if it helps us in any way, let us learn to appreciate the peace that seems to us, after so many decades, a common fact. Well, if things don’t calm down in the next period, a war of any kind between the US. USA And China will completely shake the foundations of the capitalist-liberal society that we have built with ups and downs in the past 30 years. And, just as each European state was alone at the beginning of the plague, in the event of war, Romania must know that it will be, at least initially, completely alone.