China’s reaction after Joe Biden said Xi Jinping is very smart and very tough and has no democratic traits: ‘EU will be independent’ – News source


The Beijing administration has expressed its hope that the European Union will be “independent and autonomous” as the new US President Joseph Biden says it will counter China through “extreme competition”.

Joseph Biden said in an interview with CBS News that Chinese President Xi Jinping is “very smart and very tough.” “It does not say it and I do not mean it as a criticism, only that it is the reality, it does not have democratic characteristics,” said Biden, writes

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“The problem is that I have told him this over time, that we do not have to have a conflict. But it is going to be extreme competition. And it is not going to be as he knows it, because he is also transmitting signals. to do what Donald Trump did. We will focus on international regulations, “Joe Biden said, according to

For his part, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in an interview with CNN that former President Donald Trump “was right about his severe approach to China.” “It was the right thing to do. The way he did it, from my point of view, was wrong, but the basic principle was correct. And what should we do? We need to approach China from a position of strength,” he said. Antony Blinken.

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In this context, the Chinese Administration expressed the hope that the European Union will be “independent and autonomous”.

“As long as China and the European Union adopt policies independently and autonomously from the perspective of common interests, there will be great achievements. The comprehensive investment agreement between China and the EU is a good example,” said China’s Foreign Minister. , Wang Yi. From Politico. EU.

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