China requires flight crews to wear diapers to avoid using the bathroom. Why is the measure entered


The Chinese aviation regulator has recommended to flight crews to wear disposable diapers and therefore avoid using the bathroom to reduce the risk of Covid-19 infection.

Information on diapers is in a section on personal protective equipment in the new airline regulations, according to BBC News.

The regulator said the recommendation applies to charter flights to high-risk destinations due to Covid-19.

Globally, airlines and airports have made major changes to the way they operate to attract passengers again.

The Civil Aviation Administration of China approved the recommendation in a new 49-page regulation for airlines to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

The diaper recommendation applies to charter flights to and from destinations where infections exceed 500 per million people. In addition, the crew must wear medical masks, disposable gloves, caps, goggles, disposable protective clothing, and shoe covers.

The aviation industry around the world has gone to great lengths to recover from the impact that the pandemic has had on travel. The new measures adopted for flights differ by country. Some states require airlines to leave at least one seat between passengers.

Publisher: DC
