Children who have parents or grandparents with comorbidities must start school online


Dr. Virgil Musta expects an increase in the number of coronavirus cases after school starts, saying that the experience of all European countries that have been through this time indicates the same. Children who have parents or grandparents with comorbidities would do well to learn from home, so as not to transmit the disease in the family, leading to even greater demand from ATI departments, says Virgil Musta.

“We are not in a good position. As long as the world does not follow the three basic rules: use of mask, social distance and hygiene, we will be in this situation,” said Dr. Virgil Musta on Friday in Digi24.

He pointed out that there will be more difficult moments, the beginning of school being one of them.

“In any country in Europe where the school started, the number of cases has increased,” said Dr. Musta.

The doctor points out that, in most cases, infected children are asymptomatic and can become vectors of the disease in the family.

“Some schools can become sources of infection. The school must follow all the rules and force teachers and children to follow the rules. In addition, parents must be very attentive to their children and try to do an epidemiological triage at home and not send the child to school if they show signs, until it is clear if they have Covid or not, “said Dr. Virgil Musta.

He also drew attention to a potential danger: families with children-students and parents or grandparents who have comorbidities.

“In families where some members have comorbidities, it is very important that they are protected. If they cannot isolate themselves, and in most cases they cannot, I think it is good for children to start school online. If we can protect our children , the Intensive Care Units will not be overcrowded, ”said Virgil Musta, adding that the Intensive Care Units are almost fully in demand anyway. Since treating a patient in ATI takes a long time, the wards are expected to be overcrowded. and the number of deaths increases, the doctor from Timisoara also explained.

Publisher: Bogdan Păcurar
