Checking the facts. Monica Pop tells Antenna 3 that she can get leukemia after the COVID vaccine. No study supports his statement | News, News Romania | Freedom


Dr. Monica Pop, general director of the Bucharest Ophthalmological Emergency Hospital, is totally against the anti-Covid-19 vaccination, stating on Antena 3 that “it is a vaccine made in the knee with side effects.”

Monica Pop was present on Tuesday night on the set of the show Sinteza Zilei, moderated by Mihai Gâdea. Along with this were Mugur Ciuvică, Marius Pieleanu, Adrian Ursu, Bogdan Chirieac, and Titus Corlățean.

But the doctor was the only person on set who clearly opposed a possible Covid-19 vaccination.

“It just came to our notice then. (I will not be vaccinated). Definitely not and I will not give any advice to anyone to get vaccinated while this vaccine is being made in three months!” Pop said.

Facts: Vaccine research has been done for three months, not since January 2020

More than 170 companies and research centers, with tens of thousands of specialists, many leaders in their fields worked in 2020 to develop a safe and effective vaccine for the new coronavirus.

They did not work for three months, but three more times.

Right now, there are 54 vaccines worldwide in the clinical trial stage, so they have successfully passed the laboratory research and animal testing stage, and are now being tested in humans.

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Of these, 12 are in phase 3 clinical trials, where safety and efficacy are being tested in thousands of people, including for possible serious side effects. In these studies, there are also control groups that receive placebo instead of vaccine.

6 of the vaccines have already been approved for limited use.

Work to find a vaccine against the new coronavirus began in January with the deciphering of the SARS-CoV-2 genome. The first clinical safety trials in humans began in March and now 12 vaccines have reached the final stages of testing.

Some of these studies will fail and others will end without a clear result. But some of the vaccines will be able to stimulate the immune system to produce effective antibodies against the new coronavirus.

No vaccine will be widely approved until research shows its efficacy and safety. That is why the World Health Organization announced in September that large-scale vaccination of the population could probably begin in mid-2021.

Pfizer and BioNTech's COVID-19 Vaccine is 95% Effective and Safe, Final Analysis Shows


Pfizer and BioNTech’s COVID-19 Vaccine is 95% Effective and Safe, Final Analysis Shows

Back in the Antena 3 studio:

The journalist Adrian Ursu, asked by Gâdea if he will be vaccinated when the treatment is available in Romania, replied: “I will find out, at the moment I have no information.”

Moment when the doctor exploded: “How come you don’t have the information, Mr. Ursu? How can you know what happens in three years? If you have leukemia, God forbid, after this shot? How can you know the genetic induction that this has … In 5 years we can get vaccinated! ”.

“No one can say that this vaccine is safe.”

The 67-year-old doctor also stated that “this vaccine is not licensed.” “Mr. Gâdea, you have short-term side effects, but where are the long-term ones? Let me tell you again, in 3 years, the one who makes the vaccine will have leukemia. And everyone does…”.

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Monica Pop continued, “Mr. Gâdea, how do you know what will happen in a year? Are you giving your child this vaccine? The danger is great! No one can ever say that this vaccine is safe. Maybe in 10 years. Come on, five years!

Facts: In the long term, for 5, 10 years, we cannot know the side effects of a vaccine, but the same happens with other treatments, for example, that are leaving the research phase for various diseases. However, the results of the research available so far for the two vaccines, Moderna and Pfizer, do not indicate any danger of developing leukemia.

It is too early to know what potential very rare long-term side effects COVID-19 vaccines will have, but public health decisions will be made in terms of risk-benefit. Five, ten or more years without a mass vaccination campaign is not an option. The risks of not getting vaccinated are much higher than the potential risks of getting vaccinated. And in each of the studies done thus far, once the research indicated possible serious side effects, the studies were stopped. A vaccine will only be approved once it has been shown to be safe for widespread use.

The general director of the Bucharest Ophthalmological Emergency Hospital affirms that in general it is provaccination, but not in this case: “I was a sure professional of the vaccine and that is why I received death threats. But now I am against this vaccine! I am in favor of a vaccine, but not one in the knee that can have side effects. “

“We do not force the population to be vaccinated against diseases that paralyze and kill, but we try to force the population to be vaccinated for a disease in which no one says that 15 out of 100 patients have severe forms and 85 percent are cured. You can’t force people to get vaccinated! “Monica Popa, doctor

The facts: Nobody said that they will force the population to be vaccinated, on the contrary, they made it clear that it is up to each citizen to do what they do.

From the president of the country to the Minister of Health, all authorities, political and health, specified that the vaccine will be voluntary.


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