CHANGES in the joint order of the MEC and MS. Prof. univ. Hadar has ALL the answers


Anton Hadăr, university professor and president of the National Federation of Alma Mater Trade Unions, spoke this Wednesday, exclusively for DCNews, about the main changes in the Joint Order of MEC and MS.

Anton Hadăr, a university professor and president of the National Federation of Alma Mater Trade Unions, revealed to DC News that “there have been some changes in the joint Order of the Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of Health.”

“The most important thing is that a university is no longer closed when three cases of people with or with Covid-19 appear. This was extremely unpleasant because the size of the universities varied. We refer to the transition from the university to the most unpleasant scenario: that of doing education only online. This indicator has been modified, conveniently, it will also take into account the number of students. The order has not yet appeared in the Official Gazette. In principle, we are satisfied that almost all of our proposals have been approved. They are not spectacular proposals, but they bring us closer to normality ”, said Anton Hadăr.

Most universities, in the hybrid scenario

According to the president of the National Federation of Trade Unions Alma Mater, “Most of the universities start from the hybrid scenario, with activities of teaching courses and online seminars and face-to-face activities in the practical area, through hospitals, clinics, that’s all. But in architecture everything unfolds face to face. You cannot get a good architect out of a young man who sees how he projects himself on a computer. I really appreciated this decision made by Mr. Rector Moiceanu of the University of Architecture. ”

“In our country, in engineering, what engineer is it that just doesn’t touch a test tube? Test tube in chemistry and test tube in material testing, on the strength of materials! ”Anton Hadăr explained, laughing.

Although the courses and seminars will be conducted primarily online, the exams could be conducted in person. Of course, it all depends on the epidemiological evolution.

“It is in this scenario that we start and I hope to continue at least like this. If things change and as we see today, more and more people with Covid appear, it would not be out of the question to reach the stage with total online education. We set out extensively, almost everywhere, to take the exams face to face. The competitions must be seriously reviewed, “Anton Hadăr also said.

Hadar, on the home problem

“I hope that the problems of the houses are also solved. There we feared that the universities would lose the funds allocated to students for dormitories and dining rooms, since the number of students accommodated would decrease. There is talk of a decrease of almost 45% in some universities, with assigned places. There will be much fewer students, according to that Order, “Anton Hadăr also told us.

Teachers with comorbidities can work online

“Universities have allowed professors with some health problems, but with basic documents, to work in the online system. They are unthinkable people, with complicated diseases, ”said Hadăr.

In conclusion, Anton Hadăr launched an appeal to the students.

“Be very attentive to everything I do at the university, but also outside of it. They can always be in a situation where they get sick and spread the virus. We know that young people generally enter the area of ​​the asymptomatic. It would be bad to hear that teachers get sick from students or vice versa! ”, Transmitted Anton Hadăr.
