CHALLENGE OF THE YEAR for the Government. Chirieac: Cîțu is not prepared in any way


Political analyst Bogdan Chirieac made some important clarifications about what the year 2021 holds for Romania, on the “What’s Happening?” from the DC news.

On the show “What’s Happening?” From DC News, journalist and analyst Bogdan Teodorescu stated that “we are given the following idea: if the West fails to overcome the vaccine-based medical crisis and fails to launch the economy fast enough, maximum Q2 2021, that is already that point. inflection, regardless of what Prime Minister Cîțu is doing in Romania. “

When asked if he sees this turning point, if Prime Minister Cîțu is ready to face it, Bogdan Chirieac replied that “No, he is not prepared in any way.”

Political analyst Bogdan Chirieac believes that “there are few governments in the world that we could say are prepared for. Israel is probably ready, Germany is ready and we can name a few more states. “

“If our main export destinations, which are the European Union, restart the engines of the economy, because they will be able to vaccinate, I doubt that the Romanian administration can vaccinate effectively. I doubt it. You saw chaos on Romania’s borders in the spring, when the Romanians returned and all the European states were hit by the state of emergency. They will not be successful, in my opinion. I would love to be wrong. If the export orders are restarted, the factories in Romania will also be restarted, ”Bogdan Chirieac also said, specifying that“ until then, no ”.

Chirieac: The president received the money because his name is Iohannis, not Ionescu

Bogdan Chirieac also mentioned the “mockery of HORECA in Romania”, stating that “I think things will be just as blurry, hazy.”

Speaking of so much money raised by Klaus Iohannis, I still think I got it because our president’s name is Iohannis, and not Ionescu. They trust him more for it. It is about 80 billion, 30 billion is a loan taken by the EU and offered to countries, in this case Romania. It is a 30-year loan, with 1% interest, so super conditions, super advantages. Mr. Cîțu, you borrowed 6% … and you borrowed this money again this year. In addition, there are 50 billion euros per project.Then the political analyst pointed out.

I would like to inform you that the Orban Government sent the master plan to Brussels and Brussels hit us on the head. Now, let me see Mr Ghinea doing acceptable projects in Brussels … God willing! I publicly praise him if he does that! But I’m afraid that won’t be the case. “Bogdan Chirieac continued.

Rent, some aspects of the loan

Regarding the loan, Bogdan Chirieac also drew attention to several aspects:

Average budget salary it is 40% much higher than in the private sector. They gave GEO to stop, it was going to increase the salary of public servants by 25%.

The abolition of the special pensions with which the PNL won the MEPs – I’m not even part of the government program anymore. Both the USR and the PNL had the abolition of special pensions. “

Răzvan Dumitrescu intervened and specified that “that promise was a promise that ignored previous decisions of the ICR. It was a promise made to those who could be deceived. There were clear precedents, CCR decisions … You cannot overcome something that already exists as a decision. The only option that could be applied and no one tried it, everyone avoided it, were the pension tax thresholds. Exactly that possible variant has not been tested by anyone.

Chirieac also said that “it was tried, it was probably misspelled and rejected by the CCR.”

“This government will simply not be able to work together. I saw that the USR is being attacked with PLUS. I saw that the Cîțu wing is being attacked with the Orban wing in the NLP. Regarding this type of attacks, of personal interest that everyone has, I doubt that we have the capacity to make important, difficult, difficult decisions, like freezing salaries in the public sphere. I am also afraid to say that they will immediately say “Do you want to see the doctors too?” No! “To the police. ? “No!” In the administration? “Well, there are civil servants in the administration, many of them also have special pensions. I think it will be a dysfunctional government,” Bogdan Chirieac also declared.
