Cezar Preda (PNL) apologizes to Bittman after the assault on Bulai (USR-PLUS)


Cezar Preda (NLP) apologized to Dan Bittman, live, after Iulian Bulai’s assault on TVR’s New Years Eve.

Liberal Cezar Preda apologized to Dan Bittman after the assault by USR-PLUS MP Iulian Bulai, chairman of the House of Deputies Committee on Culture, Art and Media for the TVR scandal on New Year’s Eve.

After Dan Bittman’s intervention on România TV, on Monday night, the liberal Cezar Preda wanted to make clarifications and apologized to Dan Bittman.

“I’d like to be brief. My thanks for Dan Bittman comes 30 years ago, I know the whole band (…) I want to tell you this: I apologize for the fact that he entered this discussion.. The world will hear from you, Mr. Bittman, for 100 years. Nothing will be heard from me and Mr. Bulai for a few years.

This is our destiny, of those who believe that we are politicians, as opposed to those who did something for this country, leaving extraordinary things for their youth, for their lives, “said Cezar Preda on România TV, Monday night.
