Cesarean Delivery Risks


I discussed this with Dr. Andreas Vythoulkas, an OB / GYN specialist in infertility.

Although all women are prepared to give birth naturally, there are exceptions when, in order to give birth to a healthy fetus, but also to protect the health of the life giver, a cesarean section is required as an extreme solution. Dr. Vythoulkas said. First of all, every future mother should know that, being a surgical intervention, the cesarean section involves risks for both the mother and the baby.

Disadvantages of cesarean delivery

For the child, added Dr. Vythoulkas, the main disadvantage is that it will not have the same immunological advantages over a naturally born child.

For the mother, the main risks and complications after cesarean delivery are: Long recovery time. In the case of vaginal delivery, the recovery time is very short, so only a few hours after that, the woman fully recovers and, in addition, she can start breastfeeding the baby.

In the case of a cesarean delivery, the first 48 hours are difficult to bear, especially without the help of pain relievers.

Recovery after caesarean section

Partial recovery lasts 2 to 4 weeks, and complete recovery only after two months from the time of surgery. There is also a risk of complications.

Being anesthesia surgery, the main complications are uterine infections, surgical injuries, significant blood loss, difficulty urinating, genital complications, lung complications, cardiac complications.

Severe headaches after anesthesia, nausea with or without vomiting, as well as complications of the digestive system: bloating, severe abdominal pain, constipation should not be neglected.

Future pregnancy, with problems.

A new pregnancy, if it occurs less than 2 years after the previous one, can bring some problems for the woman who had a cesarean section. Therefore, there is a risk of uterine scar rupture, but it can also increase the risk of placenta previa (development of the placenta in the lower part of the uterus).

Other risks that can occur after a cesarean section, the amount of blood lost is greater, almost double that lost during a vaginal delivery.

In extreme cases, when bleeding cannot be stopped, a hysterectomy or complete removal of the uterus is used.
Good to know that, added Dr. Vythoulkas, the onset of fever, light bleeding vaginal bleeding, dizziness, bloody urination, painful urination, the absence of intestinal transit should not be overlooked, especially if it takes place 4-5 days after cesarean section.

And going to the doctor is absolutely mandatory for the new mother.

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