Certificate of vaccination, revoked by specialists. Raed Arafat: “It will lead to a fake market!” Alexandru Rafila: “Discrimination must be avoided at all costs!”


In addition to the implicit discrimination between vaccinated and unvaccinated, there is a real risk of falsification.

Raed Arafat: Any crisis creates a market and the market for fake certificates will be very prosperous

“If a certificate of this type is put as a condition of circulation, two groups are automatically created: those with a vaccination certificate, who circulate as they wish, and those without a certificate, who will not circulate and will have limitations. create significant discrimination not only in the European Union.

15 million vaccinated worldwide (current status of the number of vaccinations, no) is a drop in an ocean, compared to 7-8 billion, the world’s population. We will have a situation in which a small part was vaccinated because they had access to the vaccine, an elite, and a large majority who, it is not that they refuse to be vaccinated, but have not yet had access, it is not their turn. A vaccine that is not accessible to everyone.

Raed Arafat: If the airline says “get on the plane just vaccinated”, this will create a big problem

It is a vaccine that is very difficult to obtain – and we know that today Pfizer announced the reduction of the quantity delivered in Europe (The company specified that the temporary reduction is due to operations designed to increase production capacity in spring, no.).

Romania will receive less than promised and will return in February at a figure to make up for what we are not receiving now. At this point, such a discussion can put a lot of pressure on people and discriminate. Think about it: if the airline says “do not get on the plane unless you are vaccinated” but you do not have access to the vaccine, even if you want to get vaccinated, this will create a big problem.

There is another risk for tourism: obtaining false vaccination certificates. Any such crisis creates a market and I think the fake certificate market will be very prosperous if it is a ground for discrimination. It is better that we approach the situation differently. I am convinced that all these issues will be discussed at the EU level, ”said Raed Arafat.

Alexandru Rafila: discrimination and stigmatization must be avoided at all costs

“Obviously, discrimination and stigma, which is one of the problems of this pandemic, must be avoided at all costs. Think that, at least in the beginning, until the world ‘got used to’ this disease, many times those who had died from infection, others saw them strangely and even discriminated against them at work.

If you have universal access to vaccination you can pose this problem (of imposing certificates) but as long as the vaccine is in a limited or very limited quantity, there is no such problem.

I saw an interesting situation in Israel. There, the state negotiates two types of situations: vaccinated people who board an international flight no longer need a test and those who are not vaccinated have a negative test.

This approach would not be discriminatory, but would avoid unnecessary testing in vaccinated people. Attention, the Israeli authorities thought of giving such a certificate to those who suffered the disease and did not receive the vaccine, because these people are also protected for between 3 and 6 months ”, said Professor Rafila.

“It is a medical obligation to have a certificate proving that you have been vaccinated. Therefore, I welcome the initiative of the Greek Prime Minister, regarding a certificate of vaccination with mutual recognition in European countries,” von der Leyen said in a discussion. with the press before a visit to Lisbon, according to Euractiv.

The president of the European Commission reacted to a letter from Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, calling for the relaxation of travel rules for vaccinated people.

Greece has a particular goal in supporting this approach: it wants to revitalize its tourism, which contributes up to a quarter of the country’s Gross Domestic Product.

Ursula von der Leyen points out that if the future European vaccination certificate grants the holder access or priority to obtain certain goods or services, this should be discussed and regulated politically and legally at the EU level.

The leaders of the 27 states of the Union will have a video conference next week on the coordination of efforts against the pandemic and will also discuss the European vaccination certificate.
