Census 2021 – Romanians who do not comply risk hefty fines – Sources news


In 2021 a new population and housing census will be organized in Romania, a census in which participation is mandatory and in which non-participation is punished with fines of up to 3,000 lei, reports Mediafax.

During July-November 2021, the population and housing review will be carried out in stages, while between August and September 2021, the online collection of individual records and those related to homes, dwellings and buildings – online self-assessment will be carried out.

Emergency Ordinance No. 19 of February 4, 2020 on the organization and conduct of the population and housing census in Romania in 2021 provides for the mandatory census of people with Romanian citizenship, foreigners or stateless, with habitual residence in Romania, people with Romanian citizenship, domiciled in Romania , but with residence in another country for a period of less than 12 months, as well as people with Romanian citizenship who are members of the staff of Romanian diplomatic missions and consular offices abroad, members of the national armed forces stationed in the rest of the world, national personnel of national scientific bases established outside the geographical territory of the country, persons of Romanian citizenship who are members of the crews of fishing vessels, other vessels, aircraft and floating platforms that operate partially or totally outside the economic territory.

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According to GEO no. 19 of February 4, 2020, the following acts committed by individuals constitute violations:
a) Prevent the persons involved in the census action from making the records that are the object of the census in accordance with the provisions of this emergency ordinance or from carrying out, in any way, the census work;
b) refusal to provide the requested information or to provide incorrect or incomplete information;

These offenses are punishable by a fine of 1,000 to 3,000 lei.

The amount allocated from the state budget to organize the census in 2021 is 392 655 000 lei.

At the last census, in 2011, the stable population of Romania was 20,121,641 people, of which 10,333,064 women (51.4%).
