
CONTROVERSIAL DECISION: Religious cults in Romania, PUSHED to convince the world to get vaccinated – Source news

[ad_1] The vaccination campaign against COVID-19 was discussed by specialists from the National Committee for the Coordination of Vaccination Activities against COVID-19 with representatives of religious confessions. The authorities consider that, being a mass action and of maximum public interest, vaccination should involve all the religious confessions of Romania, being …

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Bogdan Burcea, harshly criticized after the humiliation suffered by Romania in the European Championship. Per Johansson went on the attack: “It’s a clan”

[ad_1] League 1: Poli Iași – Academica Clinceni, Wednesday, 15:00, Digi Sport 1 League 1: FC Argeş – Sibiu, Wednesday, 17:00, Digi Sport 1 Shortly after the defeat against the Netherlands, Per Johansson, the former SCM coach, compatriot of Tomas Ryde, who replaced Bogdan Burcea on the Romanian bench, harshly …

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“It’s not Romania’s problem, it’s human!” Pierre Webo BREAK THE SILENCE on Turkish television! “If the virus affects us, why not racism?” What he transmits to Coltescu

[ad_1] Pierre Webo, Istanbul BB’s assistant coach, was Candas Tolga’s guest on the “I just spoke” program. Webo revealed more details about the incident that had Sebastian Coltescu in the foreground live on Turkish television. The assistant coach revealed that he learned from Okan Buruk from the way the Romanian …

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