
WAR in NLP! Florin Roman: ‘Unfortunately, NLP gives way step by step. It is the hour of snoring, which is torn by the crumbs thrown by the teachers’ – News sources

[ad_1] Florin Roman, the former leader of the PNL deputies, appears on his page in a social network, after the announcement of Florin Cîțu’s investment in the position of Romanian Prime Minister and reproaches the PNL for the party. “The first working day of the new Parliament showed us what …

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Who is Cătălin Drulă, proposed by the new Transport Minister: “Forumistul”, who accepted a contract with the PSD ministers when they wanted to withdraw the Sibiu – Pitești road from the MasterPlan, founder of the Pro Infrastructure Association – Infrastructure_Articole

[ad_1] Cătălin Drulă, the one nominated by USR-Plus for the post of Minister of Transport, is 39 years old and is based on an IT specialist, a software engineer who until not many years ago had nothing to do with infrastructure. “I was wondering why we don’t have highways and …

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We will increase pensions and allowances in 2021

[ad_1] “Child benefits will increase by 20% at the beginning of next year and by the same percentage in the middle of the year, and pensions will increase, but not by 40%, says the Minister of Labor, Violeta Alexandru. They will grow. From the point of view of the liberals, …

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