
How China tried to hide the coronavirus epidemic

[ad_1] A 15-page document obtained by The Saturday Telegraph could be the basis of a lawsuit filed against China by other countries on how it handled the coronavirus epidemic. The file, prepared by the secret services of the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand, shows that China’s …

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New authorities have been announced by the authorities

[ad_1] 745 deaths Female, 65, Bacău County. Hospitalization Date: 04.28.2020- Iași County Emergency Clinical Hospital. She was transferred on 04.29.2020 to the Pneumophysiology Hospital in the ATI department.Harvest date: 04/28/2020.Result date: 29.04.2020 positive.Date of death: 04.29.2020. Death 746 Male, 65, Neamț County. Hospitalization date: 04/23/2020 Iasi Neurosurgery Hospital in serious …

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Donald Trump’s reaction after Kim Jong-un reappeared in public

[ad_1] United States President Donald Trump reacted to the news of Kim Jong-un’s public reappearance on Saturday after a three-week absence, saying he was pleased that the North Korean leader was apparently in good health. The Pyongyang leader had not appeared in public for three weeks, sparking intense rumors and …

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A Romanian who works in Germany, at the GROAZA slaughterhouse, where there is an outbreak of coronavirus, BREAK THE SILENCE: He knew we would take it too – News from sources

[ad_1] A Romanian who works in the horror slaughterhouse in Germany, where more than 500 compatriots were infected with coronavirus, breaks the silence. The man suspects that he was infected by a colleague, also a Romanian, whom his bosses ignored when he called to announce that he felt ill and …

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The number of deaths in Italy has doubled overnight.

[ad_1] Italy announced on Saturday the highest number of deaths caused by COVID-19 in 24 hours since April 21, with 474 deaths, compared to 269 a day ago, according to the official assessment of the coronavirus pandemic transmitted by the Protection Agency. Civil, reports AFP and Reuters. The increase occurs …

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