
COVID-19 in Romania. Situation by counties, October 1. More than 2,000 infections in 24 hours, 301 cases were reported in Bucharest. Which are the most affected counties

[ad_1] To date, on October 1, in Romania, 129,658 cases of people infected with the new coronavirus (COVID – 19) have been confirmed. 103,994 patients were declared cured. To date, 4,862 people diagnosed with COVID-19 infection have died. Between 30.09.2020 (10:00) – 01.10.2020 (10:00) there were 37 deaths (28 men …

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Unprecedented post-election scandal in the capital. The room with electoral materials, open at the request of the president of the Central Electoral Table. PSD demands resumption of voting

[ad_1] UPDATE: The room with electoral materials was opened at the request of the president of BES The Bucharest Gendarmerie transmitted, on Thursday, in relation to the images in which people appear in the room where the votes were stored, which was opened at the request of the president of …

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Russian mayor loses election to City Hall maid who ran

[ad_1] Udgodskaya registered as a “rival” to guarantee the minimum requirement of two candidates. However, the former mayor’s plan did not work out as he had imagined. The maid won the election by a significant margin. Nikolai Loktev believed that no one would vote for him and that he would …

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Nicușor Dan announced the first spending cuts. City Hall of the capital does not give money for plasma donors and Christmas fairs | News, News Romania | Freedom

[ad_1] Nicușor Dan says that it is unlikely that the Mayor’s Office will allocate more money for the Christmas or Easter fairs, reasoning that the economic situation is difficult and the money should go to emergencies. When asked, before a meeting with the Finance Minister, if the people of Bucharest …

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