
CORONAVIRUS October 3. The situation by counties. Bucharest remains in first place on top of infections. More than 100 new cases were registered in three counties. COMPLETE LIST

[ad_1] 107,058 patients were declared cured. After tests carried out at the national level, compared to the last report, 2,064 new cases of people infected with SARS – CoV – 2 (COVID – 19) were registered, cases that had not previously had a positive test. Counties with the most cases …

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The Romanian Patriarchate, after His Eminence Theodosius said that it is a sin to go to a Catholic church: “Prayer has no confessional or other borders” – Essential

[ad_1] Romanian Patriarchate spokesman Vasile Bănescu said that access to God cannot be blocked by the “old walls” of theological differences, according to Mediafax. “Prayer has no confessional or other boundaries. Its only shore is the sky, to which we must all look with equal trust and gratitude. Ancient Theological …

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