
Elon Musk sunroofs after three years. TEACHER HOROSCOPE

[ad_1] May 11 Elon Musk sunroofs after three years. TEACHER HOROSCOPE They were born on May 11: Salvador Dali, Barón von Munchausen, Camilo José Cela, Barbu Delavrancea, Flavius ​​Domide. In the Christian-Orthodox calendar are the saints: Mochie, Arghir and Dioscor. Cyril and Methodius, the luminaries of the Slavs. Nothing in …

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EXCLUSIVE. Along with 20 other critically ill Romanian patients, His Excellency Pimen received a revolutionary treatment for COVID-19: blood leaking against the cytokine storm | News, News Romania | freedom

[ad_1] of Alexandra Nistoroiu, Cătălin Tolontan, Sunday, May 10, 2020, 3:01 p.m. In the case of His Eminence Pimen, the high prelate of Suceava, the method was used in addition to convalescent plasma, which is a different treatment from blood filtration. CytoSorb is a blood filtration product and a treatment …

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I didn’t know who it was

[ad_1] In a discussion with Mike Tyson, Dennis Rodman revealed what his first encounter with Kim Jong Un was like. The former great basketball player confessed that he did not know who is the leader of North Korea. “Everyone applauded and I thought the applause was for me. I said …

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Measures proposed by the Ministry of the Interior for alertness, as of May 15, 2020

[ad_1] 1. Obligation to wear a protective mask in closed public spaces, commercial spaces, means of public transport and at work. 2. The obligation to organize the activity, by public institutions and authorities, as well as by all public and private economic operators to guarantee epidemiological triage, for all their …

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Research in Timişioara, after Professor Virgil Păunescu announced that he administered the anti-David vaccine that he developed on his own.

[ad_1] In a Facebook post, the head of the OncoGen Institute announced that he had self-vaccinated to see the effects on his own skin and demonstrate to Romanian authorities that his project is valuable, worth investing in. The Timisoara County Hospital, which manages the institute, announced that it will begin …

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