
US Ambassador on Local Elections: Romanians continue to rid themselves of corruption and distance themselves from Red “robber barons”

[ad_1] “The Romanian people continue to free themselves from the chains of the corrupt legacy left by the communist regime. Just two weeks ago, we witnessed an electoral process that continued to alienate the nation and the red” robber barons “who manipulated the law to fill the bill. pockets, to …

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Reform of the army, decided by the CSAT, in the context of the military consolidation of Russia in the Black Sea. What the Army 2040 program offers

[ad_1] President Klaus Iohannis and members of the Supreme Council of National Defense (CSAT) established, in Tuesday’s meeting, how the National Strategy of National Defense will be implemented for the period 2020-2024. Thus, the strategy includes three stages: culmination of the Army Modernization Program 2026; implementation of new technologies and …

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An article of GEO 50/2010 affects ALL Romanians with money in the bank. READY! THE GREAT CHANGE IS EXPECTED

[ad_1] Photo created by cottonbro from Pexels. Great attention! A GEO 50/2010 article affects us all! Any customer of a commercial bank who needs a loan or a card, regardless of the required value, is obliged to make at least one trip to the bank. Not because banks had …

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Germany has announced a new strategy to combat the spread of the coronavirus. Merkel: “Probably one of the cheapest and most efficient methods”

[ad_1] The government’s guidance to combat the coronavirus has been supplemented by a new recommendation, namely frequent room ventilation, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on Thursday. Thus, the national strategy to fight the virus in Germany is now included in the acronym AHACL, which means distance, hygiene, masks, the alert …

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