
VIDEO | The Croatian earthquake “woke up” an 80-year-old seismograph in Timisoara. “Suddenly I heard a mechanical tic” Freedom

[ad_1] Croatia was shaken on Tuesday, December 29, by an earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale, according to the Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Center. It occurred at a depth of 10 kilometers in a central region of the country, followed by several aftershocks, according to local media. Two more earthquakes occurred …

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“How much money did you get from soccer?”

[ad_1] Anamaria Prodan is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Romania. Among those who have a contract with her is Dennis Man, the 2020 Footballer of the Year in the Sports Gazette Investigation. Ana says that she lost account of the money obtained from the phenomenon. Anamaria Prodan, millions …

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“These 4-6 sports will be first class”

[ad_1] 44 years, Carol-Eduard Novak is a Paralympic cyclist and wants to represent Romania at the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2021. Carol-Eduard Novak: “The results will be seen in 12 years” “I think we have to learn to spend the budget as best we can. We have 118 subordinate …

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Dragomir, incendiary DISCLOSURES of the poker games played with Becali, Porumboiu and Mircea Sandu! “No one was talking about soccer. Gigi was great!”

[ad_1] Dumitru Dragomir made revelations about the Romanian soccer people with whom he plays poker. “Oracolul din Balcesti” spoke about the famous poker evenings in which the richest people in Romanian football participated. He claimed that the host of these games was Dumitru Sechelariu, the former owner of the Bacau …

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all about Barcelona, ​​Argentina and the future

[ad_1] Jordi Evole, the journalist who interviewed Messi, assures that it is the longest interview ever granted by the Argentine on a television channel. Lionel Messi tried to escape from Barcelona in the summer. From that moment on, there were daily rumors about the future fate of the Argentine. Jordi …

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