
Measures proposed by the Ministry of the Interior for alertness, as of May 15, 2020

[ad_1] 1. Obligation to wear a protective mask in closed public spaces, commercial spaces, means of public transport and at work. 2. The obligation to organize the activity, by public institutions and authorities, as well as by all public and private economic operators to guarantee epidemiological triage, for all their …

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Detalii noi desp furtuna magnetică care va lovi Pământul astăzi

[ad_1] Vineri, 13 Octombrie, eg Pământ va începe o furtună magnetică care va dura două zile, conform unui Anunţ publicat pe site-ul centrului de meteorologie din SUA. Potrivit avertismentului centrului de meteorologie, furtuna magnetică poate duce la probleme în funcționarea dispozitivelor electronice, în special a mijloacelor de comunicații și, of …

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Laurențiu Luca, General Manager of Synevo Romania: It is very important for the authorities to support and facilitate long-term access to medical services.

[ad_1] What business decisions has your company made since the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic? We have been closely following, since February, the crisis caused by the rapid spread of the new coronavirus in China, as well as communications from the World Health Organization. China is also a major supplier …

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