
The last calculations of the party before the elections: the unknown sea and a possible surprise for the parliamentarians of Sunday – Politics

[ad_1] With the ballot boxes on the table, the parties are making their final calculations for Sunday’s parliamentary elections. The percentages are currently only on paper, the unknown sea that can turn everything upside down, say the political leaders consulted by, being present in the vote. According to internal …

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The pandemic does not end with the arrival of vaccines

[ad_1] The pandemic still has a long way to go, despite the arrival of COVID vaccines, warns the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who urges citizens to continue complying with preventive measures, reports Agerpres. Officials from the World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday expressed concern about …

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Two COVID-19 hospitals in Bucharest, the Matei Balş Institute and the Colentina Hospital, were left without heat or hot water / Manager of the Colentina Hospital: We turned on the hot air conditioners – UPDATE – Coronavirus

[ad_1] Two COVID-19 hospitals in Bucharest, the Matei Balş Institute for Infectious Diseases and the Colentina Hospital, were left without heat or hot water on Friday, after Termoenergetica cut off the supply of thermal agent. The information was confirmed by representatives of the Ministry of Health. UPDATE The manager of …

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Cristian Pîrvulescu, three scenarios for Romania after the elections. Who will come to the government and who will oppose Politics, Noticias Libertad

[ad_1] Cristian Pîrvulescu Most likely, a coalition between the PNL and the USR-PLUS will form after Sunday’s elections, believes political scientist Cristian Pîrvulescu, interviewed by Libertatea. It is the coalition that President Iohannis is looking for, although the electoral campaign was full of attacks between the two sides. On the …

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VIDEO National Vaccination Strategy, presented on Friday. General principles related to COVID-19 vaccination in Romania

[ad_1] Vaccination against COVID-19 in Romania will be implemented through the mechanism established by the European Commission and in accordance with existing legislation and medical protocols, in accordance with the National Vaccination Strategy in force on Thursday night, when it was published in the Romanian Official Gazette. VIDEO presentation of …

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