
Big scandal in Italy: WHO accused of conspiring with the government to conceal an incriminating report on the management of the pandemic / The organization tries to block the investigation of Italian prosecutors – Coronavirus

[ad_1] The World Health Organization (WHO) has been accused of conspiring with the Italian Health Ministry to block a report that revealed mismanagement of the pandemic by the Rome government in the first wave of COVID-19, reports The Guardian . The report, written by WHO researcher Francesco Zambon and 10 …

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Coronavirus balance December 11. Official figures

[ad_1] The Strategic Communication Group today announces the new balance of Covid-19 infections. To date, on December 11, in Romania, 545,567 cases of people infected with the new coronavirus (COVID – 19) have been confirmed. 443,168 patients were declared cured. Following tests conducted at the national level, compared to the …

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SOURCES OF BREAKING Tens of thousands of euros PACKAGED in IKEA bags FIND DNA in manager Lukacs’s house – Introduced to judges as HONEST HUMBLE official – Source news

[ad_1] Judicial sources affirm for STIRIPESURSE that during the home searches carried out in the case of mega corruption due to unnecessary purchases at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases of Brașov and that of Odorheiul Secuiesc, tens of thousands of euros were found packed in IKEA bags, in the house …

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The researcher who anticipated the evolution of the pandemic gives us the great news! When will we finally get rid of COVID-19?

[ad_1] The doctor and researcher Octavian Jurma, who rightly anticipated the evolution of the epidemic, explained that the effectiveness and specificity of the anti-COVID-19 vaccine “are enormous.” The specialist also affirms that the COVID-19 pandemic could be eradicated next fall with one condition: that the vaccination plan is followed. Impact …

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