
Codrin Ștefănescu spoke with Liviu Dragnea: He assured me that he will fight for his life / What is the condition of the former PSD leader, confirmed with COVID – Politics

[ad_1] Former PSD Secretary General Codrin Ștefănescu says Liviu Dragnea called him – he confirmed with COVID-19 – and asked him to tell everyone that his health did not get worse. At last! I spoke to Liviu Dragnea! He called me from the Jilava prison hospital, the ward for infected …

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How Nelu Tătaru explains the appointment of a former commune policeman convicted after beating a man at the head of the Cluj Kidney Transplant Institute: Appointment, at the proposal of the Board of Directors of the hospital – Health

[ad_1] The appointment of Nicolae Sântimbrean, former vice president of PNL Alba and former police officer in the Cenade commune in Alba county, to head the Institute of Urology and Renal Transplantation in Cluj was made “at the proposal of the Board of Directors of the unit, sent on November …

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