
In parallel worlds. Putin, in a new marathon to launch accusations against the West: The message sent to Maia Sandu about Transnistria

[ad_1] Russian President Vladimir Putin held his traditional marathon press conference on Thursday. Unlike other years, the current conference, the sixteenth in number, was held in virtual format, as required by the new coronavirus. Evidently, the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was a subject of doubt for journalists, both Russian and foreign, who …

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Romprest announces that it will collect garbage from the public domain in Sector 1 / Clotilde Armand: It means that they have chosen to comply with the contractual obligations – Local Administration

[ad_1] Romprest announces that, starting Thursday afternoon, it is organizing an action to collect uncontrolled landfills in the public domain in Sector 1 of the Capital. „We notify the Contracting Authority that, based on the Contract for the delegation of the public sanitation service in the territorial administrative area of …

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Liviu Dragnea’s health condition would have worsened due to Covid-19, said a close friend. The Penitentiary Administration invalidates

[ad_1] “No patient in the custody of Bucharest-Jilava Hospital-Penitentiary requires intensive medical care, the hospital-penitentiary unit provides specific therapeutic conduct for mild and moderate forms of the COVID19 disease. In the same registry, we highlight that the health status of all patients positively confirmed with SARS-CoV-2 is stable and there …

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Codrin Ștefănescu affirms that “Liviu Dragnea’s health suddenly worsened”: “For two days we have not been able to contact him” / ANP Reaction – Essential

[ad_1] Codrin Ștefănescu states, in a post on Facebook, that Liviu Dragnea’s health has “worsened”, but the former secretary general of the PSD does not say where he obtained this information, but only states that “for 2 days we have not been able to take the connection with he “.“I …

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Liviu Dragnea’s health condition would have worsened due to Covid-19, said a close friend. The Penitentiary Administration invalidates

[ad_1] “No patient in the custody of Bucharest-Jilava Hospital-Penitentiary requires intensive medical care, the hospital-penitentiary unit provides specific therapeutic conduct for mild and moderate forms of the COVID19 disease. In the same registry, we highlight that the health status of all patients positively confirmed with SARS-CoV-2 is stable and there …

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