
Strict rules for Christmas, New Years and the celebration of Saint John the Baptist. Priests will not enter parishioners’ homes

[ad_1] „The Institution of the Prefect – Municipality of Bucharest, informs that today (Monday – no.) An analysis session was held on anti-Covid-19 protection measures. The opportunity of the meeting was based on the context generated by the dynamics of the evolution of the epidemiological situation in Bucharest, related to …

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Strict rules for officiating Christmas, New Years and Epiphany services in the capital / Priests will enter homes only at the “insistent” request of parishioners – Essential

[ad_1] The priests will go to the house of the faithful before Christmas or the Epiphany, “they will not enter the houses of the parishioners except by their insistent request” and they will respect all the sanitary regulations imposed by the authorities, the representatives of the Prefecture of Bucharest and …

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How the parties divided the commissions in Parliament. AUR took advantage of equal opportunities between women and men and compliance with the Constitution

[ad_1] The leaders of the parliamentary parties reached an agreement on Monday on the division of commissions in parliament. After the PSD threatened to block the meeting of the new Parliament, the Social Democrats received the leadership of several important committees, so that the parliamentarians of the party participate in …

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Vlad Voiculescu claims that he retired from the City Council not to be a minister, but because of Nicușor Dan, who does not answer the phone.

[ad_1] Attacked by the reproaches of his USR PLUS colleagues, who accused him with the party’s internal communication groups because he resigned as deputy mayor of Bucharest and personally appointed a replacement, without a transparent procedure within the party, Vlad Voiculescu published, on Monday , a long explanation for his …

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Lili Ruse, Romanian television journalist: ‘Șoșoacăi’s certificate was false. Brother, however, how much mind do you have to blow up a fake document not to wear a mask ?! – News by sources

[ad_1] The Senate validation commission requested, this Monday, the Bucharest Public Health Directorate (DSPMB) to verify and respond “quickly” on the medical certificate of Diana Şoşoacă, senator elected on the GOLD lists, for which she is exempt from wearing a protective mask. Acting Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca declared, referring to …

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The number of cases can increase suddenly

[ad_1] The new strain of coronavirus detected in the UK may be up to 70% more contagious, which can cause a sudden increase in the number of infected people, putting even more pressure on health systems. DSU chief Raed Arafat says there is no indication that the symptoms are different …

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He doesn’t even answer the phone

[ad_1] “It has been immediately 100 days since the elections. Normally, I should have come before you, the more than 176,000 people who voted for us, with a balance, together with the independent mayor supported by USR PLUS and PNL, and with the deputy mayor chosen by PNL. I would …

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