
Example of poor organization: dozens of doctors went to hospitals to get vaccinated, but it was closed because hospitals require authorization. DSP says it is not necessary | Freedom

[ad_1] Among the vaccination centers in the hospitals, where the doctors went in vain, are those of the Fundeni Hospital, the Pantelimon Hospital and other health units, say the doctors who went in vain on the last day of the year. Is DSP authorization required? Hospitals do not vaccinate routinely. …

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Alexandru Rafila, recommendations to stop the pandemic: ‘You have to do two things’. What about the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic? – News from sources

[ad_1] Professor Alexandru Rafila believes that, in parallel with the vaccination of medical personnel, in Romania the administration of the vaccine against COVID-19 and people in vulnerable categories should begin. If this happens as soon as possible, after the vaccination of approximately 4 million people, a slowdown of the pandemic …

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