
“We demand a return to normalcy. Stop promoting Covid vaccines!” Monica Pop and Adina Alberts, among the signatories

[ad_1] Several doctors, including Monica Pop, Razvan Constantinescu, Adina Alberts, as well as pharmacists and dentists, released an open letter asking President Klaus Iohannis, parliamentarians and governors to “stop the policy of perpetuating the state of Romania from until now, the back to normal. ” .They appreciate that the strategy …

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Diplomats are fleeing the famine in North Korea and embassies have been left empty. Russians complain about harsh conditions in Pyongyang

[ad_1] Russian diplomats in North Korea are increasingly dissatisfied with the “severe conditions” they find themselves in due to anti-coronavirus measures that have completely isolated the country from the rest of the world. In a statement Thursday, the Russian embassy in Pyongyang said that the country’s diplomats face an acute …

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