
Sorin Oprescu asks to be released from custody for a control …

[ad_1] Sorin Oprescu wants to be consulted by two cardiologists, Leonida Gherasim and Dragoş Vinereanu, from the University Hospital, according to Romania TV. According to representatives of the Capital Police, the request was presented for analysis to the competent unit, the “Dr. Nicolae Kretzulescu” Outpatient Diagnostic and Treatment Medical Center. …

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The incredible benefits of lotus root, the plant …

[ad_1] The root of this plant is used in many recipes (soups, stews, salads, garnishes, etc.) and has many beneficial properties for health due to its composition rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals. Discover the benefits of lotus root: Improves blood circulation. This root stimulates blood circulation, helps purify the …

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Thyme, the cure for respiratory diseases

[ad_1] The virtues of thyme have been known since ancient times. In the Middle Ages, volatile oil was used to treat yellow plague, cholera, or colds, and today it is widely used to prevent respiratory tract infections. Thyme is one of the most powerful medicinal plants in the world, being …

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The 3 most unfaithful women of the zodiac

[ad_1] Aries woman: Natives born under this zodiac sign are not afraid to curb their desires, especially if their current partner does not fully satisfy them. For them, one is love and affection, another is passion and desire for intimate relationships. These women need a man to satisfy them in …

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3 reasons to eat boiled corn

[ad_1] Corn is found in various forms, its grains are processed to obtain corn, syrup, oil and tortilla chips. Did you know … … common corn contains 73% water and is gluten-free? Rich in nutrients If you eat it just because you like the taste, discover that corn is rich …

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Cure for stomach aches

[ad_1] Gastritis and ulcers are diseases of the stomach accompanied by a state of discomfort and intense pain. Frequent light meals can alleviate symptoms. Absinthe stimulates digestion Absinthe, through its content of bitter substances, stimulates digestion and treats stomach aches accompanied by bloating. Absinthe tea is brewed from a teaspoon …

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Vitamin D deficiency is closely associated with increased COVID-19 morbidity. Why the Nordics are better than Italy and Spain | News, Foreign News Freedom

[ad_1] of Tibi Puiu, Sunday, May 3, 2020, 7:00 p.m. A new study found that vitamin D levels are “very low” in aging populations, especially in Spain, Italy, and Switzerland. These countries also had the highest COVID-19 mortality rates, so the authors recommend “vitamin D supplements to protect against SARS-CoV-2 …

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Researchers have discovered how we get tired of …

[ad_1] The scientists discovered that two types of cells had high levels of input proteins that COVID-19 uses to enter the human body, reports Agerpres. According to experts, the identification of these cells could explain the high transmission rate of this virus. Additionally, research has shown that cells in the …

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Lose 5 kg in one week

[ad_1] The most extreme version of the strawberry diet was revealed in 2004 by former Spice Girl member Victoria Beckham, who announced at the time that she had started a cure with nothing more than one strawberry meal a day. However, the plan to lose 5 kilograms in one week …

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