
Headache and vomiting can indicate serious illness.

[ad_1] Headaches and vomiting can indicate serious illness or can be symptoms of conditions that occur quite frequently in some people. Influenza is one of the common diseases that can cause headaches and vomiting along with other characteristic symptoms. Also, many people are affected by the flu, usually during epidemics …

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46 new cases of measles, registered in …

[ad_1] Between November 20 and 24, another 46 measles cases were reported in seven counties. Most, 12 respectively, were recorded in Bucharest, nine in Brasov, seven in Calarasi, Ialomita and Mures and two in Bacau and Galati. The total number of confirmed measles cases in Romania is 9,946, of which …

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What your nails say about your health. What …

[ad_1] health nails. This is what to look for and what each change means. Nail Color Decoding: 1. White nail syndrome It is not uncommon for white spots to appear on the nails. It used to be said, more jokingly or more seriously, that every white spot is a lie …

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Remedies for pain caused by kidney stones

[ad_1] Kidney stones are hard minerals and salt deposits formed within the kidneys. They usually occur as a result of over-concentrated urine, which leads to mineral crystallization. If your urine contains calcium, oxalate, and uric acid, it becomes difficult to dilute them. Other factors that can cause kidney stones are: …

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5 situations that cause bleeding gums

[ad_1] There are different reasons why the gums can become sensitive and bleed during brushing, but some are temporary and can be treated more easily, but there are also situations where treatments are more complex and lasting. In any case, it is advisable to consult a specialist when these symptoms …

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Methods that alleviate menopausal symptoms.

[ad_1] Menopause is not a flower for anyone, but those annoying symptoms that cause you so much discomfort and make you an “emotional time bomb” can be much easier if you follow 5 simple steps. , sleep problems, dehydrated skin, vaginal dryness and layers of fat and rediscover your femininity …

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A 4-year-old boy suspected of meningitis died at …

[ad_1] Gorj County Municipal Hospital Manager Dr. Alin Cristian Efrim told that a four-year-old boy, who presented in serious condition at the Emergency Reception Unit, on Thursday morning, died during the day. “The boy was four years old and came to the emergency room in serious condition, with acute …

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TERRIBLE news for Dr. Monica Pop. “Why did he …

[ad_1] Monica Pop has serious health problems, which she tried to keep hidden from the public and those who follow her constantly. Only close friends knew what was bothering her: Diagnosed with colon cancer, Monica Pop underwent two surgeries and excruciating treatment, but managed to overcome the disease. At least …

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Cesarean Delivery Risks

[ad_1] I discussed this with Dr. Andreas Vythoulkas, an OB / GYN specialist in infertility. Although all women are prepared to give birth naturally, there are exceptions when, in order to give birth to a healthy fetus, but also to protect the health of the life giver, a cesarean section …

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