
“It is the worst attack on the United States. The worst …

[ad_1] CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: The United States faces an increasingly dire situation due to the pandemic, with nearly 1.5 million Americans testing positive for COVID-19, and more than 75,000 deaths from coronavirus infection in recent reports. . In a response to reporters in the White House Oval Office on Wednesday, Trump …

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These 10 SERIOUS illnesses are …

[ad_1] 1. Psychiatric disorders When we talk about mental disorders, the approach has two directions: first, when chronic stress causes depression and anxiety; the second, when depression causes anxiety, nervousness, panic attacks, delirium. When stress dominates mood, the next step is increasing difficulty concentrating and doing daily activities. The next …

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Water diet. Or how to lose 12 kg in 3 …

[ad_1] In no month will you lose 12 pounds. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Here is what you need to do to get these results: How does the water diet work? Here are the steps to follow: 1. First, every morning, drink a large glass of warm water in which you …

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The miraculous health benefits of quince leaves

[ad_1] Quinces, full of vitamins and minerals, strengthen the body and act as a powerful antioxidant. With its help, you can quickly get rid of the first symptoms of a cold. With a high content of water (70-72%), sugars (6-13%), vitamins (A, B, PP) and minerals (calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium), …

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