
Donald Trump believes that the number of deaths caused by COVID-19 in the United States is “exaggerated.” Anthony Fauci Response

[ad_1] Donald Trump considers the number of deaths caused by COVID-19 in the US to be “exaggerated.” The United States currently faces a record number of infections, while the coronavirus pandemic has claimed more than 350,000 lives in the country. Anthony Fauci, America’s leading infectious disease specialist, contradicted Trump, saying …

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Why the number of COVID patients admitted to hospitals in Romania decreases. Beatrice Mahler: “It’s a festive phenomenon” | Freedom

[ad_1] According to the latest balance of the authorities, on Sunday, January 3, in specialized health units, the total number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 is 8,868, while on December 3, 13,156 patients were hospitalized. However, intensive care units continue to be overworked. (1,119 patients, on January 3 / 1,252, …

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The first nurse to be vaccinated against Covid-19, “side effects”: “I was NOT expecting so much poison” / Response: “Now let’s see when you die!”

[ad_1] Claudia Alivernini, a 29-year-old Italian nurse, is the first person in her country to receive the coronavirus vaccine. In his case there were some “side effects”. And not precisely because of the vaccine itself, but because of some people who criticized her for being vaccinated: the young woman received …

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Public employees benefit from the salary advantage received to the detriment of private employees. Specialists: “Let the soldiers breathe”

[ad_1] In 2020, public officials felt almost no health crises, with only a small portion of employees paid from the state budget being sent into technical unemployment, while private employees barely survived, living in fear of tomorrow – that’s right how analysts characterize economic dynamics of the workforce during the …

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Bulai announces that he will meet in Parliament with the head of the NAC. The discussion, after the USR deputy accused the “gossip” of the TVR program on New Year’s Eve – Media & Advertising

[ad_1] USR-PLUS deputy Iulian Bulai, who is also the chairman of the Chamber of Deputies Committee on Culture, Art and Media, announced that on Tuesday morning he will have an informal meeting in Parliament with the president of the CNA, Monica Gubernat. “In the midst of the pandemic, all state …

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