
The reaction of the Patriarchate to the rules of opening places of worship: the theme of Holy Communion belongs exclusively to the church

[ad_1] The Romanian Patriarchate announces that “the issue of Holy Communion belongs exclusively to the church”, after the authorities recommended the use of disposable teaspoons and cups for communion, after the reopening of the churches on May 15. The National Institute of Public Health published on Saturday the proposals on …

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Coronavirus in Romania, May 9, LIVE UPDATE. The total death toll reached 939. More than 15,000 people were infected with coronavirus and almost 7,000 were cured.

[ad_1] UPDATE 9:25 PM The death toll has increased. The balance reached 939 Death 937 Male, 77, Bistriţa-Năsăud county. Confirmation date: 04.24.2020Date of death: 09.05.2020Comorbidities: chronic ischemic heart disease. Death 938 Female 66 years old, Bucharest. Confirmation date: 03/28/2020.Date of death: 09.05.2020.Comorbidities: asthmatic bronchitis. HTA Death 939 Woman, 69 years …

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