
More than 1,000 deaths from COVID-19 in the country / Decrease of the third day of infection

[ad_1] UPDATE 18.37 Romania has exceeded the threshold of 1,000 deaths from coronavirus Death 992: Male, 77, Suceava County. Confirmation date: 04.05.2020. Date of death: 11.05.2020. Comorbidities: hypertension. Death 993: Woman, 80 years old, Suceava County. Beneficiary social center. Confirmation date: 04/30/2020. Date of death: 11.05.2020. Comorbidities: congestive heart failure, …

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The Senate adopted the draft alert / PSD substantially changed the version of the Government / What the senators propose in the alert – Policy

[ad_1] On Tuesday, the Senate adopted the government’s Alertness Bill after substantially amending it. According to the report prepared by the legal senators, the Parliament approves the state of alert through a joint meeting of the two Chambers and not the Government by emergency ordinance as provided by current law. …

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Paradox in the Senate: the unconstitutional ordinance that increased fines during the state of emergency, tacitly adopted – News from sources

[ad_1] The Senate tacitly adopted GEO 34/2020 on Tuesday, which increased the fines for non-compliance with measures related to the state of emergency, which was declared unconstitutional, reports Agerpres. The interim president of the Senate, Robert Cazanciuc, read, in plenary session, the note of tacit adoption of this normative act, …

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Relaxation measures after May 15, regulated by law. The Orban government proposed at the government meeting yesterday, May 11, a law to guarantee the limitation of the spread of the new coronavirus and, after May 15, the date from which the restrictions for the population.

[ad_1] The law must go to parliament. Yesterday’s government meeting focused on the bill proposed by the government, through which the Executive wants to regulate the state of alert, established on May 15, when restrictions on the population will be relaxed. The law will be sent to Parliament, and Prime …

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Ion Cristoiu exploded: ‘It is a disaster. Exit from the catastrophic health crisis’ – News by sources

[ad_1] Journalist and publicist Ion Cristoiu says that although the government has adopted a state-of-the-alert bill to be sent to parliament, the decision came incredibly late. MEDIAFAX announces that authorities are desperately looking for a relaxation model to imitate. Journalist and publicist Ion Cristoiu says that although the government passed …

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