
Vasile Astărăstoae presents the Incredible Manaus CASE and explains why SHEEP IMMUNITY needs to be re-analyzed. The key are those of the “sensitive subpopulation” – News sources

[ad_1] The former president of the Romanian College of Physicians, Vasile Astărăstoae, returns with an interesting discussion on the concept of SHEEP IMMUNIZATION, a concept seen by many as the saving solution. In the discussion, he presents the spectacular Case of Manaus, the capital of the Brazilian state of Amazonas, …

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The government will buy only 70-80,000 of the 250,000 tablets promised to students. Orban Blames the Office of Procurement: We Will Change Leadership – Education

[ad_1] The government will be able to buy only 70-80,000 of the 250,000 tablets promised to students in the new school year for online courses, under the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The announcement was made on Sunday night by Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, who said that the authorities found …

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The motion will be voted on and adopted

[ad_1] “The Social Democrats are ready to take over the government until the parliamentary elections,” said PSD First Vice President Sorin Grindeanu. “It seems essential for Romanians to know that the PSD has a government program with realistic objectives. We are ready to take swift action. The PSD will overthrow …

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