
Nelu Tătaru wants the DEPOLITIZATION of hospitals: ‘The hope is that in 8-10 months we can present a health reform law to Parliament’ – News from sources

[ad_1] The Minister of Health, Nelu Tătaru, affirms that he maintains his opinion according to which 80 percent of the managers of the health units “do not correspond”, accusing the politicization of hospital management and the Public Health Directorates. “Or in ten months the Government will be able to propose …

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Teachers with chronic illnesses are afraid to return to the department. The shortage of teachers increases even more, after some have asked for their retirement

[ad_1] Teachers with chronic illnesses are afraid to go back to the department. Some of them could teach online, but this would deepen the teacher shortage, especially since many of those who have reached retirement age have applied to retire, Mediafax reports. Daniela Andrica has asthma and is afraid to …

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How great, in fact, the impact of the opening of schools will be on the evolution of the epidemic. Alexandru Rafila’s optimistic scenario

[ad_1] Opening the school will increase the number of cases. In an optimistic scenario, in which everyone follows the rules, the increase will be only 10%, Professor Alexandru Rafila, a member of the executive committee of the World Health Organization, told Digi24. “I don’t think there will be any major …

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The Ministry of Finance has released a document that almost completely contradicts a Florin Cîțu publication on June 25. One thing in the entire post was certain: finance and banking

[ad_1] Since the end of last year, Florin Cîțu has announced that it has a document from the former minister (Eugen Teodorovici) that says that it is recommended that pensions not be increased by 40%. It is true, this document, released today by the Ministry of Finance, contains it. However, …

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