
Liviu Dragnea’s girlfriend, new details on the state of health of the former PSD leader: “Physiotherapy has started in jail” | News, News Romania | Freedom

[ad_1] Liviu Dragnea, 57, was definitively sentenced on May 27, 2019, by the Supreme Court, to 3 years and 6 months in prison with execution for instigating abuse of office in the fictitious employment case at DGASPC Teleorman. On August 21, the Bucharest Court of Appeal rejected Liviu Dragnea’s appeal …

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Orban announces controls on COVID measures throughout the country: Weddings, a reason to increase the cases / We could not control the parties after winning the elections. Participants are considered possibly infected with coronavirus – Coronavirus

[ad_1] Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announces checks across the country to verify compliance with anti-Covid measures and claims that the number of cases has increased due to weddings and christenings where the rules were not followed. “We have organized a videoconference with the country’s prefects and with emergency committees. The …

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